Me about our new Pope, Saint Francis: “Habemus Papum! See, I told you he’d be bald!”
My husband: “I hate to tell you this. He’s not bald, short, tired-looking, or dark-skinned. Now I’ll have to be the man of your dreams.”
Me: “Well, the top of his head is bald.”
You’ll need to read the previous post to follow my madness.
Incidentally, two of our family’s most cherished photos were taken in Rome by the Papal photographer.

Our daughter’s adept at getting papal blessings. She was blessed with an opportunity to meet Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1999 when she studied at the Angelicum in Rome.

In 2005, as newlyweds, our daughter and son-in-law returned to Rome to ask Pope Benedict XVI to bless their unborn child (“Katie”).
Now that she’s been blessed by the 263rd and 264th successors of Saint Peter, we wonder when our daughter will be planning her trip to meet the 265th successor, Pope Francis I, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in person.
I get my papal blessings via the television. I’m thinking there’s enough love and grace for everyone. But, if I ever play the lottery, I’m gonna ask our daughter to buy the ticket.
Please pray for Pope Francis! I know he’s praying for us.