
Do you know who wrote this poem?  I’d like to give the author his/her due.  A friend found it on a crumpled piece of paper by a country road. It’s a powerful anthem for all who care about children.


There are little eyes upon you,
and they’re watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly
take in every word you say.

There are little hands all eager
to do everything you do,
And a little one who’s dreaming
of the day he’ll be like you.

You’re the little slugger’s idol.
You’re the wisest of the wise;
in his little mind about you
suspicions ever rise.

He believes in you devoutly,
holds all that you say and do.
He will say and do in your way
when he’s grown up just like you.

There’s a wide-eyed little boy
who believes you’re always right.
And his ears are always open
and he watches day and night.

You are setting an example
every day in all you do.
For the little one who’s waiting
to grow up to be like you.

Put a fork in it

“Put a fork in it.”  That’s what my well-meaning husband says about my latest manuscript.  I feel like the tortoise in a race — stuck on a treadmill, while he runs laps around me.  Writing well is not for the impatient or faint of heart.  The more I write and revise, the more I thank God for every day I’ve waited to submit my words, every rejection I’ve received, or every one yet to come.  If publication is a last ditch effort toward immortality, it is sheer mercy that some writing will not outlive us.

A Work In Progress

The longest minutes of my week happen when others critique my work.  Sometimes, to cope, I daydream about how the classics would fare after Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) evenings at the coffee shop.  Consider Madeleine L’Engle’s  A Wrinkle in Time.

      Draft one: It was a dark and stormy night. (Passive. Show, don’t tell.)
      Draft two: It stormed darkly. (Adverbs diminish the power of the verb.)
      Draft three: It stormed. (Borrrring.)
      Draft 378: It was a dark and stormy night. (Perfect. Why didn’t you say that in the first place?)

       Journal entry: Writing is hard. (Passive. Show, don’t tell.)